
Helper classes

The only constraints by default (with no classnames added to img element) are that its border is none and height is auto. Adding the classname zo-img would constrain its max-width to 100%.

With the classname zo-img--block, its display would be set to block. With .zo-img--fill, its width would be set to 100%.


Images can be organized in figures. They can have different shapes, be inline or block, or be arranged in grids.

Note: for the figure element to work correctly in IE 8 and below, you would consider using some JavaScript.

I am caption
<div class="zo-g zo-g--fill">
    <div class="zo-g__col zo-g__col--s4">
        <div class="zo-g__content">
            <figure class="zo-figure zo-figure--block">
                <img src="/images/zoadoc/test.jpg" class="zo-img zo-img--block zo-img--fill" />
                <figcaption class="zo-figure__caption">I am caption</figcaption>
    <div class="zo-g__col zo-g__col--s4">
        <div class="zo-g__content">
            <div class=" zo-figure zo-figure--block zo--radius">
                <img src="/images/zoadoc/test.jpg" class="zo-img zo-img--block zo-img--fill" />
    <div class="zo-g__col zo-g__col--s4">
        <div class="zo-g__content">
            <div class=" zo-figure zo-figure--block zo--round">
                <img src="/images/zoadoc/test.jpg" class="zo-img zo-img--block zo-img--fill zo--round" />