Note: To use offcanvas navigation, it is required that you manually add the classname zo-offCanvasContainer
to the body
, and wrap the page content you want to offset into an element with the classname zo-hasOffCanvas
<body class="zo-offCanvasContainer"> <div class="zo-hasOffCanvas"> ... <a href="#" class="zo-btn zo-btn--primary zo--radius" data-zo-toggle="#offcanvas">Toggle offcanvas</a> ... </div> <div class="zo-offCanvasCover" data-zo-close="[data-zo-offcanvas-pos]" onclick="void(0)"></div> <div class="zo-offCanvas zo-offCanvas--left" data-zo-offcanvas-pos="left" id="offcanvas">...</div> </body>
It is not necessary to specify the theme, which defaults to light. However, as of v0.1.8, the position is required to specify both in the classname and in the data property.
<div class="zo-offCanvas zo-offCanvas--right" data-zo-offcanvas-pos="right" id="offcanvas1">...</div>
<div class="zo-offCanvas zo-offCanvas--left zo-offCanvas--dark" data-zo-offcanvas-pos="left" data-zo-offcanvas-theme="dark" id="offcanvas2">...</div>